Current Time In Sierra Leone

Monday, December 26, 2011

Hey family,
Let me start by saying what a good weekend to be able to hear the voices of the people that I love. It was pretty crazy to hear all of your voices especially little miss B. She is such a sweetheart. Man, talk about my heart melting when I heard her. I miss her like crazy. As I do everyone else but her a lot, I don't know why but I really just love that little girl. Maybe she can help me when I get home, you know with the women. She is a good way to break the ice with the girls.
So I just wanted to tell you a little about how Christmas goes in Sierra Leone. As I woke up, I wondered if it was Christmas at all. I looked around and everyone was doing the same old song and dance. Every once in a while someone would say Merry Christmas. I am kind of taken back that people have really lost the spirit of Christmas. Because they don't have much money for gifts they just kind of forget about the holidays. So the average child here for Christmas they get a used pair of clothes and then they eat a big dinner. That's about how things go. But its ok because they are soooooo grateful to receive anything. All the little toys that you sent me became Christmas for those little kids here in Africa. As dumb as you think a 50 cent little motorcycle is, it made a bunch of kids Christmas - it really did.
So for Christmas I gave a talk on fatherhood and Christ and also ate a bunch of food and then, of course, talked to the fam. As long as the network would allow. But hey anything is better than nothing. We are lucky to have phones out here in the African jungle.
So for current events, I would like to say that I won the push up competition. I know surprising, right? Well I am getting pretty good actually. The competition might be more surprising actually. The way it worked was you do one push up shake hands and then do another one. Well I beat the first person no problem, then the second immediately after, no problem then the third comes, at this point I have done like 100 pushups or more so I was kind of tired because I never got off the ground. So as I am waiting the third person comes, so I make it more interesting we put our legs on the chair and did it. Needless to say, he beat me but barely. After we did like 30 or so I couldn't do anymore and he could only do 2 after that so I should have tried harder. But I was impressed with how many I did haha, I guess that's why they call me kosombo.
This week was a fast week. The mission is really zipping by so fast. I love it. I don't want to sound like a complainer but man Africa is tiring me out. Its crazy how humbling this place is. This week in district meeting we talked about Christlike attributes and seeing the face of God. Probably one of my favorite topics besides eternal families. I love talking about Christlike attributes. It is the best thing out there. When you become more like Christ you really become happier. You can see your thoughts and your countenence change. Its amazing. You can become whatever you want to be. Its our choice. So this week I made another pair of my 30000 mile shoes. Let me tell you everyone wants those things. They are coveted. I bought a tire for 40000 which is like ten bucks and I cut it up to make a tread for my shoes and I sewed it on. Man I miss working

Well I don't have much to say except next time you talk to me I will be coming home that year, wahoo! Godspeed. Never give up. Love you guys.
Love Elder Kev
Keep the faith

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