Hey family,
How are you guys doing over there? The week for me was great and, actually, it went by really quick. How about for you? This week we had some good lessons. I wanted to thank you for the money that you have sent me. I wanted you to know what I have been doing with some of it. I have not been using it for food or personal things but I have been using it to buy things for members or recent converts. For things like hymn books and Book of Mormon stories, triple combinations, Bibles and so forth. I have really found it quite rewarding. It is awesome to be able to spend what little money you have to see someone light up when you hand them a brand new set of scriptures. For some people here that is something that can take them months, even years to be able to buy. I am just sacrificing something I want for something I want more, and that is for the people here to be able to learn more about our Heavenly Father. One of the things that we got to do was take this Book of Mormon stories book to a guy who is having a hard time and cannot really read. What a great lesson that was when we taught him the hymn "I am a child of God" and sang it before we prayed and began. It was awesome! We have been finding investigators that just don’t want to leave us alone. We can't teach them fast enough. I love it and wish that we could have even more of them (I know, a little greedy).
This week I woke up on Friday and I could not remember what I had to do. I was walking around trying to find out what I was forgetting. I knew that I had to do something. Anyway, I was trying to get it figured out. Well I just prayed about it and….. nothin' so I went and exercised and got ready, and still was filling uneasy, like I was forgetting something. So I prayed to open my personal study and I sat in my chair. Then I lifted my head and there was my answer. The emails that you had sent me for the week. I remembered the significance of that day and what I needed to do, so once again I knelt down and I prayed and this time I thanked Heavenly Father for the answer to my prayer and also to start my fast. I had a great day fasting and praying for my bro and sis. I hope that all went well for them. It is amazing how prayers are answered. Sometimes the Holy Ghost racks your brain so that you can figure something out, and then the answer comes as you search.
Yours is a mission you alone can fill.
Whether it be to build or teach or till;
Your goal may still be hidden from your view,
But somewhere God has urgent need of you!
This poem is awesome! There is a need for everyone somewhere, no matter how big or small, there is still a need. Something I learned in doing mission work is to pray as if it all depends on God and work as if it all depends on you.I am doing my best to keep the pedal to the floor. There are trials, of course, but we have to man up and bear them. In this mission and in life, we can choose to be offended and do our own thing or we can choose to do the right thing. Many people in this world choose to be offended by another member or a friend or whatever and they choose to stay away from church and also to stay away from all the promised blessings in the church. All because they chose to be offended. Mission work is full of this, any missionary can attest to it but it is all about our attitude. Like I said in a prior letter, if we always look for crap then that is all we will see. On the contrary, if all we look for the good, then that is what we will see. We are powerful as human beings. Sometimes we neglect our own power and essentially we choose to do anything we want, whether to succeed or to limit ourselves. Like the doctrine of faith, if we truly exercise our faith then there are no limitations. If we choose not to put our whole faith in the Lord, then we limit the things we can do. Sorrow or happiness, it is all a choice. It is physically impossible for anything or anyone to offend you. You have to allow it. Let's choose to be happy! Let's choose to smile! Let's choose to keep the faith and choose to receive blessings from our Father in Heaven. Christ has done it all for us. He has paid the price and now we need to do our part. That’s what I tell myself. Become better - don’t let things get you down. Trials will never go away. Accept them and grow from them. I love you guys so much. Have a great day and week.
Love Elder Kev
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