Current Time In Sierra Leone

Monday, April 30, 2012

Hey family,

How are things over there in America the beautiful? Things in salone are just dandy I guess you could say. The  Lord really wants me to grow the last few weeks that I am serving.  It seems as if there is zero of the basic facilities that missionaries need.  So far our generator is down and our well is dry.  This week we had a few hurdles we were faced with.  Lately we are the only place that has had water in our little community so the children love to come and fetch water.  Unfortunately, in the process our hand pump could not handle the excessive pumping that it and it broke.  It is interesting how the thing was built (you know me I have dad’s genes so I had to take it apart and see what I could do).  In the process of dismantling the pump, I found the problem.  It was a broken chain link.  The pump works much the same as a jack pump.  Like the ones they use to pump oil.  But this one is man powered.  Anyway, luckily I had my leatherman and a crescent wrench and a "can do attitude" to get the job done.  So we got the chain out, after many years of rusting, might I add.  So now it was off to find the part.  To my surprise, it was very hard to find.   It is amazing that I could not find it considering that these pumps are everywhere here.  So we finally found one and now the next problem came.  The price.  Because the church did so much well work here people think that we had money so up the price went.  I did my best to talk him down.  When I finally got him to a reasonable price, the next step was to get president to approve.   That, my friends, is a task all in itself.  After about 2 hours of waiting for approval, we went home and we got the pump fixed. So finally we had water again!  Nope - shortly after the pump was fixed our well ran dry - that's our luck!   So needless to say, I am sitting here with somewhat of a beard and I am smelling mighty fine. But I guess that’s what happens when there is no water. What can you do…. Towa! Or endure! All these things give you experience. This water issue is a problem throughout Bo and I believe, throughout the mission, but the worst here.  It is even the reason that we had to cancel a baptism of about 20 people.  What a headache that was.  I can say that I did everything that I could possibly do to put on this baptism but nothing was working for us. Our well at the church was torn up and they were having a wedding at the church that night plus it was a holiday weekend so no one wanted to lift a finger to help.  I wish I would have had more personal money.   I would have shipped us all to the river outside of town but I didn’t have the means of changing it on such short notice.  Our only option was to cancel the baptism and pray that this weekend works out better.  It is crazy the type of things that we have to deal with as missionaries here. I never thought in my life that I would have to organize a truck to pump water from a river from another city to come and put it in our font.  I never thought I would have to shower with a bucket, that’s when I have water.   Even though I have to do all these things, I have learned that it is not have to anymore, it is I get to do these wonderful things.  I get to help change the lives of people for ever.  I get to be refined and perfected.  What a great opportunity it is to be a part of this mission.  The only time success comes before work, is in the dictionary.  No matter how much we pray for better lives or pray for things to happen, nothing will happen until you put in your dues.  Sierra Leone has done a great and marvelous work in my life.  Forever I am grateful! So I guess mission, all in all, is good. Don’t get me wrong. I am stoked to come home but mission has been good.

I hope that all is well at home.  Thanks for all that you do.  I guess my thought for the week is work. If you want anything in life, work for it.  Family, as you know, is important for me.   I am glad that my parents worked to make the family that we have.  I hope and pray that I will be able to do the same one day.  Family is the most essential and important thing on this earth.  What a blessing it is to have one.  I love you guys so much.

Love Elder Kev

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