Hey Family,
To be honest with you it has been one heck of a week. So many things have happened and it is not easy. But I guess the old saying "if it doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger" is true. Things have been kind of rough here but I am making it through. So I had and interview with President this week. It was good but I think the best interview that I had was with Elder Kimball. After talking to him, I think that I have decided that I am not going to play football when I get home. Now, I know that this may come as a shock to some but I really think that you are going to just have to trust me on this one. Football is a great thing, that is for sure, but there are things that are more important in my life and I don't think that football is my best solution to my problems. Life is about making decisions. Anyway, just thought that I would tell you guys that.
I want to tell Sherissa Happy Birthday. I hope that you enjoy and all is well with you. So consider this my birthday wish. Also I hope that you guys got my camera card and also my b-day cards. I sent them a while ago but it was supposed to be a surprise.
Ok so the Roggias decided to open my package and bring just a few things to me so I could have some. So I got the shirts and the tie. Thank you guys so much. I love everything but I am good for white shirts for a while but garments would be nice. Now the tie is so sweet. Man, I got in the rain and no spots. I spilled food on it, well someone spilled on me, no stains. Riss you are a sweetheart, thank you. The tie is cool. I will be wearing it during rainy season a lot.
I watched conference, man it was sweet. But 8 hours of conference is a lot of sitting at one time haha. It was so worth it. I really like the talk by Pres. Packer. I think that talk was given straight to me. I really need to just leave things alone sometimes. And also I know what Brother Jones was talking about better now from priesthood session. We truly need to be good priesthood holders.
So a little into the week we had 4 baptisms, which was great except someone did not come. Man I was flamed. He had no excuse. He wasn't coming, he said the spirit wasn't leading him there. AHHHH man I was furious. I will go and talk to him tomorrow. Baptism was good though I did sing again. Man, I sing a lot.
Pres. was here so we went and did some house searching. They really put a lot of pressure on me with questions and things that I really do not know the answer to. I don't know where and who owns houses for rent and all these crazy things. I was hoping I would get transferred soon but that is not going to happen I will stay one or two more transfers, which makes me kind of mad considering I have been here for 6 months. They are making me suffer. I guess I will live.
Funny, last week I told you I got to shower that morning well…… that was it for the week. Water never came again. Our reserve tank ran out, the well across the road was contaminated with sulfur . . . so me and Elder Taylor, in our infinite wisdom, decided to dig a well. We hit water, unfortunately it is super dirty, but at least now we can now flush the toilet. Ya, I don't know if you have gone in the same toilet as someone else before but it's gross. But that's not the worst of it, we can't wash dishes or anything. So what I did was try to filter some water but it is not really working. I once saw if you fill a bag with sand, like a burlap sack, and hang it from two poles and fill it with water. then the water will be filtered. So we tried it it but it did not work so well. Anyway, we are working on that but we did find another well to get water from. Holy crap, hauling gallons upon gallons of water and filling our tank. I carried so much, it is a joke. So this last week we have been showering with tied bags of water .5 liters. That is what I used for one shower. Rag shower, man I stink. It sucks. But what can I do. I guess just roll with it. Now to top it off, our generator is dying. The rings are going and it burns tons of gas and doesn't run very good. So we had a total of like 10 hours of power last week. And to top it off, it was so blessed hot this week. I am getting over it.
Ok so this is the real big kick in the pants. We are suffering and then they tell us we are enjoying to much. I love zone leaders. Now this is the crap part of my week. I love the Kimballs so much, I can't even tell you. They have helped me so much and everyone here in Liberia. We got a text Sunday that simply said "the Kimballs daughter died leaving 4 kids behind. They are leaving today to the states. Pray for them." I was like WHAT THE . . . Man, why - why does this have to happen to good people. Why do people have to suffer to serve here and then suffer even more. I know that the Lord loves us and I know that the Kimballs will be ok. It was their time to leave Africa. God knows best. We just have to trust in him.
Life is good. Of course, things are hard but if it was not then I would not be growing and becoming better. Family, I love and pray for you. Have a great week. Take care and I will talk to you Sunday!
Love Elder Moss
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