I wanted to let you know that Elder Moss got some really bad news this morning. The dad of one of his best friends, who is also serving a mission in Brazil, passed away unexpectedly last week and we weren't able to get word to Elder Moss until his email this morning. So he was a little overwhelmed and emotional.
Hello again. So another week down and another to go right? This week has been good I guess you could say. I am just working my brains out but I really don't have that many cool stories to share. Thanks for all the emails and the encouragement to be the best missionary and throw myself into the work. I am not sure that is the best attitude, to be the best, but oh well that's what I am going for. That is something dad told me and I will never forget it. Be the best at whatever you do.
Well I was feeling just fine until I read this email and now I am in tears. I loved that man, Rick Ence. He was an amazing person and I wish his family the best. I want to say sorry now for a bad email cause my thoughts are all messed up. Sometimes I thought that my life was rough but I guess not. I don't know what to say. I am sitting here in the middle of the café crying my eyes out. I love that man. I know with all my heart that he will be in the celestial kingdom waiting for his family. Right now I don't even know what to say. My week wasn't all that bad, my life never is that bad.
Here is a brief over view of my week. I had zone conference and president said we are leading Africa in every thing and I think we are leading the world as well. We have some 900 people with baptism dates and the cool thing about that is we are leading the mission. It was kind of a weird zone conference cause he was trying to boast of us and no one really cared. I guess they said we are setting the example for the world. They are guessing over 1000 baptisms next year. I got a good compliment from President. He pulled me aside after the baptism and he called me John the Baptist. He said "good job Elder Moss. This is the first and best baptism that I have been to that was flawless. I was like cool. The compliment was nice but it is because of the Lord that all these things are even possible. Through the Lord all things are possible. In that baptism we had 2 more people and next week we have 3 more then the week after that 3 more. People are still coming up to us and just asking when they can be baptized and if the church is still accepting members. We had a couple of people from Salt Lake in our branch that day so that was cool. I had the opportunity to confirm 3 people, teach class off the cuff and ordain 4 people to the office of a priest so it was a busy day Sunday. And, oh yeah, remember the lady that killed someone? She is getting baptized Saturday.
Something funny that happens here is that every time a engine backfires everyone starts to run. It sounds like a gun and everyone is really scared. It is really funny. But you have to realize this was a war zone. I mean you can walk around and see bullet holes in light posts and buildings. It reminds me of call of duty.
Anyway, my mind is messed up and I don't really have much to say. I have been doing a hard study in the Book of Mormon and I have almost figured out everyone that had anything to do with the Book of Mormon and where they came from. So I like to show pictures of the fam and people said we have a awesome looking family. I reassure them that I know we have the best. You know sometimes I sit here and I think it isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out don't worry – I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out if you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in god, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future and the Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us if we put our trust in him. Iif we will live worthily of his blessings. he will hear our prayers. Prayer is key in this life and I know I will be on my knees today. I can't believe the things that happen. I love Justin and I hope that I can email him. I know this church is true and I know Justin will be able to see his dad again. He is watching over him as his guardian angel and as a golden glove boxer he is a dang good guardian angel to have! Justin and Ence family, you are forever my family and I love you guys to death. I remember papa Ence just like it was yesterday I was talking to him. God be with you till we meet again Brother Ence, I love you!!
Thank you everyone for all the emails. And taking time out of your life to email me. I am sorry this email is terrible but I am at a major loss of words. I love all you guys so much. I am still truckin' along. Next week's letter will hopefully be better. Love you fam, Riss and her fam.
Love Elder Moss
Hello again. So another week down and another to go right? This week has been good I guess you could say. I am just working my brains out but I really don't have that many cool stories to share. Thanks for all the emails and the encouragement to be the best missionary and throw myself into the work. I am not sure that is the best attitude, to be the best, but oh well that's what I am going for. That is something dad told me and I will never forget it. Be the best at whatever you do.
Well I was feeling just fine until I read this email and now I am in tears. I loved that man, Rick Ence. He was an amazing person and I wish his family the best. I want to say sorry now for a bad email cause my thoughts are all messed up. Sometimes I thought that my life was rough but I guess not. I don't know what to say. I am sitting here in the middle of the café crying my eyes out. I love that man. I know with all my heart that he will be in the celestial kingdom waiting for his family. Right now I don't even know what to say. My week wasn't all that bad, my life never is that bad.
Here is a brief over view of my week. I had zone conference and president said we are leading Africa in every thing and I think we are leading the world as well. We have some 900 people with baptism dates and the cool thing about that is we are leading the mission. It was kind of a weird zone conference cause he was trying to boast of us and no one really cared. I guess they said we are setting the example for the world. They are guessing over 1000 baptisms next year. I got a good compliment from President. He pulled me aside after the baptism and he called me John the Baptist. He said "good job Elder Moss. This is the first and best baptism that I have been to that was flawless. I was like cool. The compliment was nice but it is because of the Lord that all these things are even possible. Through the Lord all things are possible. In that baptism we had 2 more people and next week we have 3 more then the week after that 3 more. People are still coming up to us and just asking when they can be baptized and if the church is still accepting members. We had a couple of people from Salt Lake in our branch that day so that was cool. I had the opportunity to confirm 3 people, teach class off the cuff and ordain 4 people to the office of a priest so it was a busy day Sunday. And, oh yeah, remember the lady that killed someone? She is getting baptized Saturday.
Something funny that happens here is that every time a engine backfires everyone starts to run. It sounds like a gun and everyone is really scared. It is really funny. But you have to realize this was a war zone. I mean you can walk around and see bullet holes in light posts and buildings. It reminds me of call of duty.
Anyway, my mind is messed up and I don't really have much to say. I have been doing a hard study in the Book of Mormon and I have almost figured out everyone that had anything to do with the Book of Mormon and where they came from. So I like to show pictures of the fam and people said we have a awesome looking family. I reassure them that I know we have the best. You know sometimes I sit here and I think it isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out don't worry – I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out if you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in god, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future and the Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us if we put our trust in him. Iif we will live worthily of his blessings. he will hear our prayers. Prayer is key in this life and I know I will be on my knees today. I can't believe the things that happen. I love Justin and I hope that I can email him. I know this church is true and I know Justin will be able to see his dad again. He is watching over him as his guardian angel and as a golden glove boxer he is a dang good guardian angel to have! Justin and Ence family, you are forever my family and I love you guys to death. I remember papa Ence just like it was yesterday I was talking to him. God be with you till we meet again Brother Ence, I love you!!
Thank you everyone for all the emails. And taking time out of your life to email me. I am sorry this email is terrible but I am at a major loss of words. I love all you guys so much. I am still truckin' along. Next week's letter will hopefully be better. Love you fam, Riss and her fam.
Love Elder Moss
Doesn't get better than tender feelings from the heart. This was a wonderful letter.