Hello family,
So it has been a week since I have emailed you and I have to say that this week actually seemed like it went by kind of fast. To be completely honest with you my Monday was terrible. I can't even imagine how crappy Justin is feeling considering the fact that I was doing so bad. Man I loved that man so much. I think that I spent like 2 hours on my knees Monday night trying to pray about all of the bad things that were happening back at home. I think sometimes I have it bad here but I don't even have it bad at all compared to some people that are at home and to other people that are on missions. Sure sometimes it is hard here cause the living conditions are no that great but it will make coming home that much greater. You really gain a great respect for all of the things that we have back home. How blessed we are to live in an area like we do with such great living standards and such great people to live around.
So here's what's happened this week. I got dad's hymn book that I have been waiting for. Man that has been a long time coming but the funny thing is that when I opened it up and started to look at the hymns I realized it is from 1975 which means it is the old hymn book, before it was revised. It is really cool but kind of hard to use. But don't worry I love it. Something cool I found out is shoe goo works really good for book bindings I already had to fix my Book of Mormon and bible. Africa is kind of rough on them. But don't worry I got the book all fixed up good as new. I got my memory card too. I am working hard to get that thing filled with pictures and videos so that I can send it home for Christmas because I have to be honest with you I really can't really send anything else home for Christmas because lets face it t.i.a. This is a commonly used sang here it means this is Africa. That is what all the people here blame their problems on. I think it is funny because they are what makes up Africa and they have some kind of belief or something that no one is at fault for the condition that it is in.
I am really hoping that those packages you sent to the office come cause I'm trying to guess what dad's present is; It is really starting to drive me nuts! I want to know what it is so bad. If it gets lost I will be so sad. But I thank you for everything that you guys do for me. But we will pray that all goes well and my package arrives safe and sound, right?
Every week you guys ask me about baptisms and I was looking back on my records and I am up too 25 souls that the Lord has helped me bring to this great gospel. How awesome is that! So the work is just moving right along. I ordained 4 people to the priesthood and also I got to confirm 3 people to the church last Sunday. Then we had another baptism this weekend that really went quite well. I had some people sing and it probably wasn't the best choice for my ears but the spirit was so strong there. Something that you soon realize is that people here don't sing all that well but the good thing is that they try really hard and that is all that matters in God's eyes. We have been teaching this girl but we don't know if she is 7 or 8 because no one has any birth records but she passed the interview so hopefully we can get through the confusion and get her baptized.
So you know the guy that I got in a fight with- well his wife just accepted a baptism date so that is pretty cool. I am a little sad that I am going to be missing so many baptisms that I have been working so hard on. But its ok I am leaving them in good hands. Another cool thing is a guy from a professional soccer team just accepted a baptism date so that is going to be sweet but I will miss that as well
Funny story, we were having a lesson and all was going well. We were feeling the spirit when I noticed these two kids sitting there. One was a boy and the other was a girl and they were sitting and eating a pretty sick looking fish and well, they started to argue. Anyway, the boy made the girl mad and then she replied with a swift hit in the face with a burnt fish. Ha, needless to say, I started to laugh cause, let's be honest, how many times do you see someone get hit in the face with a dead fish. I did learn a few things from this. One - don't eat fish and two don't make someone mad who is eating a fish!
So I am not going to lie, this week I broke mission rules. I know, I know, please don't chastise me too much. But I was sitting on this rock waiting for an appointment eating this stuff that is so sick. It looks just like bamboo and it taste about the same but the people here love it. I saw some kids come up eating stuff off of the streets and drinking water out of the puddles on the side of the road from the rain. It was obvious that they hadn't eaten in a while so I broke a rule and gave them some food and bought them some water. I don't care if I get in trouble my heart could not take seeing that.
So interesting story about one of the guys we baptized this week. He was actually referred to us from the sister missionaries in Salt Lake. Now we are going to baptize his whole family. Well I am not going to. I might have to come back though. I think his wife is at least 500 lbs. Man that's big. I am not sure that I could even baptize her and I am the biggest man in the mission hands down. I know with the Lord's help, I could do it. No one is too heavy for the Lord.
This week we had district conference. It was so good it. So I am getting transferred to one of the best areas with Elder Boyedoe. He is not that fun I hear. We will see, I am looking for the good in everyone. Yes I am still in Liberia and I am going to Dualla. So I will be spending Christmas there. Speaking of, make sure Riss is there. Oh I hope you enjoy Thanksgiving. I don't care who gets my pie but as you are enjoying all your wonderful food, think of me eating rice and leaves for dinner. I am so thankful for all of you and Riss and her family. Thanksgiving is great. I love you guys so much.
Oh, another funny thing. So we are in a very serious lesson and this lady asks us how we got the pictures in the pamphlet of Christ and Joseph Smith (like we personally took the pictures). It was so funny. We had to explain it was a painting.
So most every family here has more than one kid. We think the kids have a bet with each other on who gets to wear what clothes for the day. Because some kids a wearing just a shirt and others are wearing just pants and the rest are naked. Oh its so funny. I am always like oops I guess he lost the bet.
I have been healthy, knock on wood, but this kid in our mish has typhoid, malaria and worms! Talk about bad luck. Oh ya guess what? Two more people are named after me and Riss. I named a boy moss and then this lady is like well what her name going to be and I got this big grin and, of course, I said Riss. She said why that and I said cause she is my hero. Well, you guys have lots of letters coming. Family, I love you. Mom, Dad, thanks for everything. Give B a kiss for me. Thanks ~ love ya
Love Big Elder Moss
Monday, November 22, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
Good Bye to a Great Man

I wanted to let you know that Elder Moss got some really bad news this morning. The dad of one of his best friends, who is also serving a mission in Brazil, passed away unexpectedly last week and we weren't able to get word to Elder Moss until his email this morning. So he was a little overwhelmed and emotional.
Hello again. So another week down and another to go right? This week has been good I guess you could say. I am just working my brains out but I really don't have that many cool stories to share. Thanks for all the emails and the encouragement to be the best missionary and throw myself into the work. I am not sure that is the best attitude, to be the best, but oh well that's what I am going for. That is something dad told me and I will never forget it. Be the best at whatever you do.
Well I was feeling just fine until I read this email and now I am in tears. I loved that man, Rick Ence. He was an amazing person and I wish his family the best. I want to say sorry now for a bad email cause my thoughts are all messed up. Sometimes I thought that my life was rough but I guess not. I don't know what to say. I am sitting here in the middle of the café crying my eyes out. I love that man. I know with all my heart that he will be in the celestial kingdom waiting for his family. Right now I don't even know what to say. My week wasn't all that bad, my life never is that bad.
Here is a brief over view of my week. I had zone conference and president said we are leading Africa in every thing and I think we are leading the world as well. We have some 900 people with baptism dates and the cool thing about that is we are leading the mission. It was kind of a weird zone conference cause he was trying to boast of us and no one really cared. I guess they said we are setting the example for the world. They are guessing over 1000 baptisms next year. I got a good compliment from President. He pulled me aside after the baptism and he called me John the Baptist. He said "good job Elder Moss. This is the first and best baptism that I have been to that was flawless. I was like cool. The compliment was nice but it is because of the Lord that all these things are even possible. Through the Lord all things are possible. In that baptism we had 2 more people and next week we have 3 more then the week after that 3 more. People are still coming up to us and just asking when they can be baptized and if the church is still accepting members. We had a couple of people from Salt Lake in our branch that day so that was cool. I had the opportunity to confirm 3 people, teach class off the cuff and ordain 4 people to the office of a priest so it was a busy day Sunday. And, oh yeah, remember the lady that killed someone? She is getting baptized Saturday.
Something funny that happens here is that every time a engine backfires everyone starts to run. It sounds like a gun and everyone is really scared. It is really funny. But you have to realize this was a war zone. I mean you can walk around and see bullet holes in light posts and buildings. It reminds me of call of duty.
Anyway, my mind is messed up and I don't really have much to say. I have been doing a hard study in the Book of Mormon and I have almost figured out everyone that had anything to do with the Book of Mormon and where they came from. So I like to show pictures of the fam and people said we have a awesome looking family. I reassure them that I know we have the best. You know sometimes I sit here and I think it isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out don't worry – I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out if you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in god, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future and the Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us if we put our trust in him. Iif we will live worthily of his blessings. he will hear our prayers. Prayer is key in this life and I know I will be on my knees today. I can't believe the things that happen. I love Justin and I hope that I can email him. I know this church is true and I know Justin will be able to see his dad again. He is watching over him as his guardian angel and as a golden glove boxer he is a dang good guardian angel to have! Justin and Ence family, you are forever my family and I love you guys to death. I remember papa Ence just like it was yesterday I was talking to him. God be with you till we meet again Brother Ence, I love you!!
Thank you everyone for all the emails. And taking time out of your life to email me. I am sorry this email is terrible but I am at a major loss of words. I love all you guys so much. I am still truckin' along. Next week's letter will hopefully be better. Love you fam, Riss and her fam.
Love Elder Moss
Hello again. So another week down and another to go right? This week has been good I guess you could say. I am just working my brains out but I really don't have that many cool stories to share. Thanks for all the emails and the encouragement to be the best missionary and throw myself into the work. I am not sure that is the best attitude, to be the best, but oh well that's what I am going for. That is something dad told me and I will never forget it. Be the best at whatever you do.
Well I was feeling just fine until I read this email and now I am in tears. I loved that man, Rick Ence. He was an amazing person and I wish his family the best. I want to say sorry now for a bad email cause my thoughts are all messed up. Sometimes I thought that my life was rough but I guess not. I don't know what to say. I am sitting here in the middle of the café crying my eyes out. I love that man. I know with all my heart that he will be in the celestial kingdom waiting for his family. Right now I don't even know what to say. My week wasn't all that bad, my life never is that bad.
Here is a brief over view of my week. I had zone conference and president said we are leading Africa in every thing and I think we are leading the world as well. We have some 900 people with baptism dates and the cool thing about that is we are leading the mission. It was kind of a weird zone conference cause he was trying to boast of us and no one really cared. I guess they said we are setting the example for the world. They are guessing over 1000 baptisms next year. I got a good compliment from President. He pulled me aside after the baptism and he called me John the Baptist. He said "good job Elder Moss. This is the first and best baptism that I have been to that was flawless. I was like cool. The compliment was nice but it is because of the Lord that all these things are even possible. Through the Lord all things are possible. In that baptism we had 2 more people and next week we have 3 more then the week after that 3 more. People are still coming up to us and just asking when they can be baptized and if the church is still accepting members. We had a couple of people from Salt Lake in our branch that day so that was cool. I had the opportunity to confirm 3 people, teach class off the cuff and ordain 4 people to the office of a priest so it was a busy day Sunday. And, oh yeah, remember the lady that killed someone? She is getting baptized Saturday.
Something funny that happens here is that every time a engine backfires everyone starts to run. It sounds like a gun and everyone is really scared. It is really funny. But you have to realize this was a war zone. I mean you can walk around and see bullet holes in light posts and buildings. It reminds me of call of duty.
Anyway, my mind is messed up and I don't really have much to say. I have been doing a hard study in the Book of Mormon and I have almost figured out everyone that had anything to do with the Book of Mormon and where they came from. So I like to show pictures of the fam and people said we have a awesome looking family. I reassure them that I know we have the best. You know sometimes I sit here and I think it isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out don't worry – I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out if you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in god, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future and the Lord will not forsake us. He will not forsake us if we put our trust in him. Iif we will live worthily of his blessings. he will hear our prayers. Prayer is key in this life and I know I will be on my knees today. I can't believe the things that happen. I love Justin and I hope that I can email him. I know this church is true and I know Justin will be able to see his dad again. He is watching over him as his guardian angel and as a golden glove boxer he is a dang good guardian angel to have! Justin and Ence family, you are forever my family and I love you guys to death. I remember papa Ence just like it was yesterday I was talking to him. God be with you till we meet again Brother Ence, I love you!!
Thank you everyone for all the emails. And taking time out of your life to email me. I am sorry this email is terrible but I am at a major loss of words. I love all you guys so much. I am still truckin' along. Next week's letter will hopefully be better. Love you fam, Riss and her fam.
Love Elder Moss
Monday, November 8, 2010
Just Call Me Hop Along
Hello family!
How was the week? Long time no talk. How is everyone back home? Mom, dad, family, Riss, her fam. Man everyone has been sending me spiritual stuff. How is Brian, Sharon, Brandon? I bet they are enjoying the lovely weather there as am I here. The weather is joyous ~ like a gazillion degrees always and way humid. Something cool happens here even when there is not a cloud in the sky. It rains! I think that this happens when it reaches 100 percent humidity and the water in the air just falls again. It's a good thing I love water cause I am always wet.
How is B and Amy and Mike and Sarah? Dad wanted to know about politics. OK, it is basically exactly how he thought. Obama is God and Bush is Satan. It is funny, you have to be careful what you buy because it might say I love Obama on it. I even asked some people why Obama is so great. You would love their answer. You guessed it. Because he is black is their answer. They don't know much about him just he is black. I wish they knew that he is spending the country into an oblivion. I actually saw a paper once and I can't remember everything it said, but it had a picture of Bush and it said something to the effect that Bush has killed America. The article went on to blatantly lie to people. It is no wonder people have these crazy ideas.
Earlier this week something fun happened in a lesson. We had this good lesson with our security guards and we were feeling the spirit and
everything was going just great. We asked the guy to pray like we normally do after a lesson and we explained how to pray and he says I
will just pray how I know. We said ok, whatever praying is praying. NOT!!! He goes off with some song and I am about to break
up laughing the he scares me when he starts to scream and yell for his prayer. Oh my, it was hilarious! That went on for like 5 or more
minutes then he ended it. Turns out he is a pastor. Another cool thing that happened was I taught a lesson to another pasor. The lesson was good. I loved it. And I had another lesson this week that was awesome too. This said Satan is just working on me more than ever. I said ya, what is he doing, maybe I have some advice. Well to make a long story short she needs to be married to get baptized. And she is afraid that her boyfriend doesn't love her enough. She asked what true love was. Immediately I knew I could answer her and I asked about her kids and how she knew she loved them. She told me she cooks and does things for them, they are her kids. And I said you know what I think true love is. When you are willing to give your life for the one that you love. When you are willing to put someone above yourself no matter what. I looked at her with a smile and I paused, I was fighting my emotions a bit cause I am a big wimp and I said I love a girl and I have realized that she makes me the best person that I can be and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would give my life for her in a heartbeat. I told her to find someone that she would do anything for!!
So it's kind of weird to have the branch presidents counselor come up to me crying and say Elder Moss I need your help. He goes on to explain this problem he is having with his daughter and he says Elder Moss, I just want to get some advice on what I can do with the situation. He said, I have seen and have heard you teach about families and I know how you love your family and he said I want what you have. I told him that the Lord has blessed me I have a amazing family and that is, the honest truth, why I am the person I am today. I said this great gospel is how families can be the greatest. The conversation went on but I thought that was cool that a grown man would seek advice from someone like me.
Baptisms, hmm it was good this week I baptized a lady form Congo Town. She is a nice lady but sorry to say, she is a little more to love haha. Well a lot more to love. She is bigger than me!! And to top it of there was about 3 feet of water, so get that picture in your head. People actually said I had super human strength. Africans are scared of water so they freak out when they go under but I put her under and
lifted up her whole body. They said they said that I completely picked her up and set her on her feet. She was grateful and It wasn't too bad.
I finally saw general conference. Oh man. that was so good. I love Holland, Oaks, Eyring, Uchtdorf. Man, I love them all. President Monson. I sat in the chapel for over 8 hours watching it. We watched all four sessions. It was good!
I got the package and letters I am going to go and read them tonight. I have been doing food storage so I have so much food. So good or bad news first? The good news is I am 240 and bad news is I broke my foot. I would send a pic but I don't know if it will work. Any ways shhh I will get over it. You know me. I am tough. The good news is I can still walk.
So I have decided I love Elder Jenkins. He is so sweet. I can't wait to chill with him someday. He says we are going to be AP's together someday. I laughed.
Well. I think that's about it for me. My head is going to explode cause I want to know what dad made me. I love you so much Mom. I love Dad. Family, I love all you guys. If there is one thing I learned this week is that I have the best life. I have an amazing family and the best girlfriend any one could ask for. For this trial is but a small moment. I know this church is true. I know this work is hard but worth it. If I can help the Lord bring one soul unto him how great is His joy. For the glory be to God. My testimony is we have NOTHING to fear!!! God is at the helm. He will over rule for the good of His work. He will shower down blessings upon those who walk in obedience to His commandments. He will bless those people that "endure it well".
I love you guys.
Love Elder Moss
How was the week? Long time no talk. How is everyone back home? Mom, dad, family, Riss, her fam. Man everyone has been sending me spiritual stuff. How is Brian, Sharon, Brandon? I bet they are enjoying the lovely weather there as am I here. The weather is joyous ~ like a gazillion degrees always and way humid. Something cool happens here even when there is not a cloud in the sky. It rains! I think that this happens when it reaches 100 percent humidity and the water in the air just falls again. It's a good thing I love water cause I am always wet.
How is B and Amy and Mike and Sarah? Dad wanted to know about politics. OK, it is basically exactly how he thought. Obama is God and Bush is Satan. It is funny, you have to be careful what you buy because it might say I love Obama on it. I even asked some people why Obama is so great. You would love their answer. You guessed it. Because he is black is their answer. They don't know much about him just he is black. I wish they knew that he is spending the country into an oblivion. I actually saw a paper once and I can't remember everything it said, but it had a picture of Bush and it said something to the effect that Bush has killed America. The article went on to blatantly lie to people. It is no wonder people have these crazy ideas.
Earlier this week something fun happened in a lesson. We had this good lesson with our security guards and we were feeling the spirit and
everything was going just great. We asked the guy to pray like we normally do after a lesson and we explained how to pray and he says I
will just pray how I know. We said ok, whatever praying is praying. NOT!!! He goes off with some song and I am about to break
up laughing the he scares me when he starts to scream and yell for his prayer. Oh my, it was hilarious! That went on for like 5 or more
minutes then he ended it. Turns out he is a pastor. Another cool thing that happened was I taught a lesson to another pasor. The lesson was good. I loved it. And I had another lesson this week that was awesome too. This said Satan is just working on me more than ever. I said ya, what is he doing, maybe I have some advice. Well to make a long story short she needs to be married to get baptized. And she is afraid that her boyfriend doesn't love her enough. She asked what true love was. Immediately I knew I could answer her and I asked about her kids and how she knew she loved them. She told me she cooks and does things for them, they are her kids. And I said you know what I think true love is. When you are willing to give your life for the one that you love. When you are willing to put someone above yourself no matter what. I looked at her with a smile and I paused, I was fighting my emotions a bit cause I am a big wimp and I said I love a girl and I have realized that she makes me the best person that I can be and I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that I would give my life for her in a heartbeat. I told her to find someone that she would do anything for!!
So it's kind of weird to have the branch presidents counselor come up to me crying and say Elder Moss I need your help. He goes on to explain this problem he is having with his daughter and he says Elder Moss, I just want to get some advice on what I can do with the situation. He said, I have seen and have heard you teach about families and I know how you love your family and he said I want what you have. I told him that the Lord has blessed me I have a amazing family and that is, the honest truth, why I am the person I am today. I said this great gospel is how families can be the greatest. The conversation went on but I thought that was cool that a grown man would seek advice from someone like me.
Baptisms, hmm it was good this week I baptized a lady form Congo Town. She is a nice lady but sorry to say, she is a little more to love haha. Well a lot more to love. She is bigger than me!! And to top it of there was about 3 feet of water, so get that picture in your head. People actually said I had super human strength. Africans are scared of water so they freak out when they go under but I put her under and
lifted up her whole body. They said they said that I completely picked her up and set her on her feet. She was grateful and It wasn't too bad.
I finally saw general conference. Oh man. that was so good. I love Holland, Oaks, Eyring, Uchtdorf. Man, I love them all. President Monson. I sat in the chapel for over 8 hours watching it. We watched all four sessions. It was good!
I got the package and letters I am going to go and read them tonight. I have been doing food storage so I have so much food. So good or bad news first? The good news is I am 240 and bad news is I broke my foot. I would send a pic but I don't know if it will work. Any ways shhh I will get over it. You know me. I am tough. The good news is I can still walk.
So I have decided I love Elder Jenkins. He is so sweet. I can't wait to chill with him someday. He says we are going to be AP's together someday. I laughed.
Well. I think that's about it for me. My head is going to explode cause I want to know what dad made me. I love you so much Mom. I love Dad. Family, I love all you guys. If there is one thing I learned this week is that I have the best life. I have an amazing family and the best girlfriend any one could ask for. For this trial is but a small moment. I know this church is true. I know this work is hard but worth it. If I can help the Lord bring one soul unto him how great is His joy. For the glory be to God. My testimony is we have NOTHING to fear!!! God is at the helm. He will over rule for the good of His work. He will shower down blessings upon those who walk in obedience to His commandments. He will bless those people that "endure it well".
I love you guys.
Love Elder Moss
Monday, November 1, 2010
Four Months Down!

Hello Family,
It is a new week and I am ready to go. So this last week wasn't too bad. It seems like it was really long but not too bad. I had the opportunity to meet with president for the first time. He really is a good guy.
So Mom, can you find Elder Jenkins mom. I love that guy, he is sweet! He is like my best friend here so you need to find his mom. So I am about 95% sure that I am going to get transferred next transfer, finally! I have been doing so much in our branch. Last week we had 3 baptisms, Emmanuel Jusu, Ezekial Toe and Ayuba Saffa. They are all pretty young kids but I baptized them all and I also did some confirmations and priesthood ordinations. Then after church I had to go and do a bunch of paperwork for the branch president for over and hour. It's ok though because class was pretty easy. I taught an easy lesson. Man I love the gospel principles book. It makes life so easy. I don't know why the branch pres asks me to help so much. I'm just a kid. I have to figure it out just like him. Oh ya, a few people are going to add me on facebook. One is the branch pres and the other is the first counselor, so feel free to talk to them. Thanks.
So I guess I should say Happy Halloween yesterday. People here do not celebrate witches and things that terrify them. They think it is real and they think that they can have spells cast on them. I can't tell you how many people think they are cursed, it's funny. They need to realize that satan can't be let into their lives unless they let him. We found this man, his name is Emanuel Tarpeh and he is way smarter than the average African, to say the least. He is very interested in the gospel and he has a wife and kids. We are teaching him and his daughter. Something interesting is he was contacted by missionaries in the Salt Lake mission by phone. He went to church for two weeks and we met him, taught him for a week and he has read over half of the Book of Mormon IN A WEEK. I can hardly do that. My plan is to have him baptized in just a couple of weeks then he can baptize his daughter. That would be so cool. So that is about the extent of my cool investigators except we are working with a man that used to run a brothel and we are working with lots of kids. Its crazy how at church no one sits together. It really blows my mind. So I am the wrestling champ of the mission, no one, I mean no one can beat me. Sometimes not even two can beat me!
Oh something else cool, you know that man that I punched? Guess what? He and his family are coming to church! I just remembered that cause I looked at my sleeve and saw the blood stain.
In my intervie, president and I established that Riss is an angel and I would do anything for her. He was saying though that I need to come up to her level. He said that if she decides not to wait it is probably because she lost faith in me and I am not working hard enough. So I am going to make sure that I work till I drop till i can't go any more.
So you liked the package and the song? Sorry my singing is bad. So I taught myself the piano. I am getting good so I will record me playing
Nearer my God to Thee and singing.
I saw this cool quote: It's possible to make home a bit of heaven. I picture heaven as a continuation of the ideal home. I want my home to be like that but it reminded me of the song:
Where is heaven is it far away?
I would like to know if its beyond the brightest star
Where is heaven? Will you show me the way
I would like to learn and grow and go there someday
Where is heaven is it very far?
When your with the ones you love its right where you are!
Where is heaven? its being at home with your loved ones. Man I loved that so much. I also like this poem:
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain
Never became a forest king
But lived an died a scrubby thing
The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began
Good timber does not grow with ease
The stronger the wind the stronger the trees
The further sky the greater length
The more the storm the more the strength
By sun and cold by rain and snow
In trees and men good timber grow
Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarch of both
And they hold council with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife
This is the common law of life
Wow, I hope it's right! I just read that one day this week and it's what I remember. It is so powerfu, I love it. I hope that my email was a little better this week. I love you all so much. You guys have not even the slightest idea. Mom, dad thank you so much. I will owe you forever. I know you pray for me all the time and love and care for me.
Love Elder Moss
It is a new week and I am ready to go. So this last week wasn't too bad. It seems like it was really long but not too bad. I had the opportunity to meet with president for the first time. He really is a good guy.
So Mom, can you find Elder Jenkins mom. I love that guy, he is sweet! He is like my best friend here so you need to find his mom. So I am about 95% sure that I am going to get transferred next transfer, finally! I have been doing so much in our branch. Last week we had 3 baptisms, Emmanuel Jusu, Ezekial Toe and Ayuba Saffa. They are all pretty young kids but I baptized them all and I also did some confirmations and priesthood ordinations. Then after church I had to go and do a bunch of paperwork for the branch president for over and hour. It's ok though because class was pretty easy. I taught an easy lesson. Man I love the gospel principles book. It makes life so easy. I don't know why the branch pres asks me to help so much. I'm just a kid. I have to figure it out just like him. Oh ya, a few people are going to add me on facebook. One is the branch pres and the other is the first counselor, so feel free to talk to them. Thanks.
So I guess I should say Happy Halloween yesterday. People here do not celebrate witches and things that terrify them. They think it is real and they think that they can have spells cast on them. I can't tell you how many people think they are cursed, it's funny. They need to realize that satan can't be let into their lives unless they let him. We found this man, his name is Emanuel Tarpeh and he is way smarter than the average African, to say the least. He is very interested in the gospel and he has a wife and kids. We are teaching him and his daughter. Something interesting is he was contacted by missionaries in the Salt Lake mission by phone. He went to church for two weeks and we met him, taught him for a week and he has read over half of the Book of Mormon IN A WEEK. I can hardly do that. My plan is to have him baptized in just a couple of weeks then he can baptize his daughter. That would be so cool. So that is about the extent of my cool investigators except we are working with a man that used to run a brothel and we are working with lots of kids. Its crazy how at church no one sits together. It really blows my mind. So I am the wrestling champ of the mission, no one, I mean no one can beat me. Sometimes not even two can beat me!
Oh something else cool, you know that man that I punched? Guess what? He and his family are coming to church! I just remembered that cause I looked at my sleeve and saw the blood stain.
In my intervie, president and I established that Riss is an angel and I would do anything for her. He was saying though that I need to come up to her level. He said that if she decides not to wait it is probably because she lost faith in me and I am not working hard enough. So I am going to make sure that I work till I drop till i can't go any more.
So you liked the package and the song? Sorry my singing is bad. So I taught myself the piano. I am getting good so I will record me playing
Nearer my God to Thee and singing.
I saw this cool quote: It's possible to make home a bit of heaven. I picture heaven as a continuation of the ideal home. I want my home to be like that but it reminded me of the song:
Where is heaven is it far away?
I would like to know if its beyond the brightest star
Where is heaven? Will you show me the way
I would like to learn and grow and go there someday
Where is heaven is it very far?
When your with the ones you love its right where you are!
Where is heaven? its being at home with your loved ones. Man I loved that so much. I also like this poem:
The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain
Never became a forest king
But lived an died a scrubby thing
The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began
Good timber does not grow with ease
The stronger the wind the stronger the trees
The further sky the greater length
The more the storm the more the strength
By sun and cold by rain and snow
In trees and men good timber grow
Where thickest lies the forest growth
We find the patriarch of both
And they hold council with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife
This is the common law of life
Wow, I hope it's right! I just read that one day this week and it's what I remember. It is so powerfu, I love it. I hope that my email was a little better this week. I love you all so much. You guys have not even the slightest idea. Mom, dad thank you so much. I will owe you forever. I know you pray for me all the time and love and care for me.
Love Elder Moss
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