Dear Family, Riss & Friends….
I actually don't know where to even start. I don't know what the Lord has been trying to teach me but I am guessing it is self control and patience. Thank you for all your support and love, it really helps. So you know the handwritten letters, well, still haven't got them. Its ok though, I know you still love me!! I send letters every week too and it really bothers me that you don't get mine always either. I mean, I am holding up the pain staking, heart breaking task of not emailing Riss and then you don't get my mail - I get so frustrated.
Well to start I went on exchanges with Elder Grabau he is the zone leader and one of my favorite missionaries. He truly is one of the best. He has been in charge for most of his mish which is about one year. Anyway, I went with him and we taught some peeps. But afterwards, I asked him what I could work on? I said I know I have a lot to fix about myself but what can I do? He looked at me and started to cry with a smile on his face. And I said am I really that bad? And he said, "Elder Moss, I want to thank you". I said, "thanks, but for what? And he said, "for teaching me so much about myself and about the real purpose of missionary work". He said "you know what you want in life and you know what love is. He said, "you know what is right and you will give anything for it." He told me he felt like he was teaching with a general authority because I teach with such power! I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. All I could say was thank you. It is easy to know what love is when you have people that are so easy to love. We taught some lessons on eternal marriage. It was so good. I had a good time. He is amazing man. I learned tons and decided to change our schedule up. We have 45 people with baptismal dates. That's too much so… I will be focusing on just a few and teaching and baptizing like crazy. In fact, we have 10 coming up soon.
So you want to know about lessons. We were teaching a lesson this week about the commandments and it just so happens that we had just got done teaching about respecting your wife and your family and kids. When a guy across the way starts dropping the f bomb at his wife I tried to let it go but… Well, he slapped his wife and every single muscle in my body tightened. Then he grabs her by the neck. He was really abusing her. The he raises his fist and that's when I dropped my stuff and sprinted over and grabbed him and punched him with me fist and threw him on his back. Mom, I know, not the best way to solve a problem but I couldn't help it. I thought he was going to kill her. All is well, I'm not in jail and I think I can get the blood out of my shirt from his bloody nose. No one hits a girl when I am around!
And just today something funny happened, our motorcycle crashed in the middle of the road. Everything is ok. I am tough and will survive but I burned my leg pretty good.
Ok, so the big news is Elder Lowe is leaving me. I am receiving a Ghanan Elder from Sierra Leone. So I will still be here so you can keep sending stuff here!!! Like mints I need those ~ mmm ~ I love those.
I love the scripture in D & C 128 dad sent me. I want you to know that I know that this church is true with all my heart, I know it. Even though at times it can feel like my cross is too heavy! But I know what I have waiting for me in the future. I know what amazing people I have behind me praying for me every day. I testify that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of this gospel and our love for our Heavenly Father, our family and the Savior will comfort and sustain me and bring joy
to our hearts as I walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. Fear not be of good cheer. The future is as bright as our faith. I know that my time will come to bring one of Heavenly Fathers daughters to the temple where I can be sealed to her forever and there is nothing in my life that I want more. NOTHING. A scripture that I want to share is out of 1st Thessolonians 5:21. I would tell everyone to take heed to this. I know that the Savior lived and died for me and you and I love him. In the scrips we can read there is no greater love than the love someone has to lay down his own life for his friends. I would give my life for any single one of my family members, including Riss, without even blinking an eye. I encourage you to look for love in people and find a way to love and find ways to give charity. You never know when you will be on the receiving end of that. I love you guys so much. Please keep praying for me. I pray for you constantly. I am greatful to be known as the family man here in Africa. Always remember that without your family you are nothing. They make you who you are. How great will be the day that we can all be together forever.
I love you guys so much and I miss you guys and pray for you.
Love Elder Moss
I actually don't know where to even start. I don't know what the Lord has been trying to teach me but I am guessing it is self control and patience. Thank you for all your support and love, it really helps. So you know the handwritten letters, well, still haven't got them. Its ok though, I know you still love me!! I send letters every week too and it really bothers me that you don't get mine always either. I mean, I am holding up the pain staking, heart breaking task of not emailing Riss and then you don't get my mail - I get so frustrated.
Well to start I went on exchanges with Elder Grabau he is the zone leader and one of my favorite missionaries. He truly is one of the best. He has been in charge for most of his mish which is about one year. Anyway, I went with him and we taught some peeps. But afterwards, I asked him what I could work on? I said I know I have a lot to fix about myself but what can I do? He looked at me and started to cry with a smile on his face. And I said am I really that bad? And he said, "Elder Moss, I want to thank you". I said, "thanks, but for what? And he said, "for teaching me so much about myself and about the real purpose of missionary work". He said "you know what you want in life and you know what love is. He said, "you know what is right and you will give anything for it." He told me he felt like he was teaching with a general authority because I teach with such power! I was shocked. I didn't know what to say. All I could say was thank you. It is easy to know what love is when you have people that are so easy to love. We taught some lessons on eternal marriage. It was so good. I had a good time. He is amazing man. I learned tons and decided to change our schedule up. We have 45 people with baptismal dates. That's too much so… I will be focusing on just a few and teaching and baptizing like crazy. In fact, we have 10 coming up soon.
So you want to know about lessons. We were teaching a lesson this week about the commandments and it just so happens that we had just got done teaching about respecting your wife and your family and kids. When a guy across the way starts dropping the f bomb at his wife I tried to let it go but… Well, he slapped his wife and every single muscle in my body tightened. Then he grabs her by the neck. He was really abusing her. The he raises his fist and that's when I dropped my stuff and sprinted over and grabbed him and punched him with me fist and threw him on his back. Mom, I know, not the best way to solve a problem but I couldn't help it. I thought he was going to kill her. All is well, I'm not in jail and I think I can get the blood out of my shirt from his bloody nose. No one hits a girl when I am around!
And just today something funny happened, our motorcycle crashed in the middle of the road. Everything is ok. I am tough and will survive but I burned my leg pretty good.
Ok, so the big news is Elder Lowe is leaving me. I am receiving a Ghanan Elder from Sierra Leone. So I will still be here so you can keep sending stuff here!!! Like mints I need those ~ mmm ~ I love those.
I love the scripture in D & C 128 dad sent me. I want you to know that I know that this church is true with all my heart, I know it. Even though at times it can feel like my cross is too heavy! But I know what I have waiting for me in the future. I know what amazing people I have behind me praying for me every day. I testify that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of this gospel and our love for our Heavenly Father, our family and the Savior will comfort and sustain me and bring joy
to our hearts as I walk uprightly and keep the commandments. There will be nothing in this world that can defeat us. Fear not be of good cheer. The future is as bright as our faith. I know that my time will come to bring one of Heavenly Fathers daughters to the temple where I can be sealed to her forever and there is nothing in my life that I want more. NOTHING. A scripture that I want to share is out of 1st Thessolonians 5:21. I would tell everyone to take heed to this. I know that the Savior lived and died for me and you and I love him. In the scrips we can read there is no greater love than the love someone has to lay down his own life for his friends. I would give my life for any single one of my family members, including Riss, without even blinking an eye. I encourage you to look for love in people and find a way to love and find ways to give charity. You never know when you will be on the receiving end of that. I love you guys so much. Please keep praying for me. I pray for you constantly. I am greatful to be known as the family man here in Africa. Always remember that without your family you are nothing. They make you who you are. How great will be the day that we can all be together forever.
I love you guys so much and I miss you guys and pray for you.
Love Elder Moss
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