We received this letter from President Roggia. He mentions a photo of them with Elder Moss but I am technology challenged and couldn't figure out how to post it from their email. As soon as I figure it out, I will post it. For now, here's what he had to say:
Dear Brother and Sister Moss,
Here is a picture of your son as he arrived in the mission home. We thought you might enjoy seeing him with me and my wife. We are pleased to have him here in Sierra Leone.
You can probably expect that he will experience some homesickness as he adjusts to mission life. Not only is there the normal adjustments of leaving behind family, friends, sports, etc. but here there is an adjustment to living in a developing country as well. You should know that English is spoken differently here and often takes time to understand. Many still use their tribal language, which requires an interpreter.
Your son will find the food and living conditions much different. We work diligently to keep all missionaries happy and healthy. There is a water filter in each apartment so they can drink purified water. Most of the time, an apartment will hold 4 missionaries with one companionship per room. They have single beds, a bathroom, table and chairs and not much other furniture. Apartments meet their needs but are not what those from the USA are used to. He will, however, adjist to all of this and come to love his companion and the people as we have learned to love them!
We admire him for choosing to dedicate this time to the Lord. We know He will bless him in this great cause. We look forward to getting to know him better.
Missionaries love to ear from both families and Ward members. We encourage you to write often. It always gives the missionaries a lift to get a letter from home. (He lists all the addresses here on the blog)
Thank you for sharing him with us! We are sure he will be a great missionary! We do love our missionaries. The Lord's hand is on West Africa today. This is a special mission; we know he will come to love it.
Very Sincerely,
President Richard P. Roggia and Sister Cathy Roggia
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