I was very surprised to receive a phone call from Salt Lake today. The voice on the other endof the phone introduced himself as Brother Wright. He said, "You don't know me, but I just returned home from a trip to West Africa." He told me that he took a flight from Ghana to Sierra Leone with 12 handsome elders. He said that they were just leaving the MTC heading for Sierra Leone. He was with the elders on their flight as well as the 40 minute ferry ride to Freetown. He said he took some pictures of the elders and wanted to get my email so he could send them. The only catch is that he left his camera in Ghana but would be going back in about 3 weeks and he promised to send the pictures. He then told me he wanted to share a story with me. He told me that he was in Sierra Leone/Ghana on business and he also has a home there. He said that he loves to play guitar and sing. He said that he and his partners are in the music business and have produced for some well known people. His partners are not LDS. He said that his partner asked if these elders like to sing like he does. Brother Wright said he then invited these twelve elders to sing "Called to Serve". He said it was amazing. He said that Elder Moss' big booming voice just brought the spirit. He said it brought a tear to their eyes. He said he video taped the song and I can't wait to hear it.
How grateful I am for a world wide church and the kindness of a stranger to this missionary mom. It was a great day!